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Jim and Barbara Berger

Jim and Barbara celebrate their anniversary at dinner

(Jim and Barbara Berger anniversary dinner)

"In April we celebrated our 25th Anniversary. And as is tradition for us I gave Barbara her Add-A-Pearl necklace during our dinner out on our anniversary. She snapped a pic of the box on the table. She put it on and we got a picture of us sitting at the table. (The photo with mirror in the background.)

Barbara's necklace gift wrapped at dinner

(Barbara's Add-A-Pearl necklace gift wrapped)

Then a couple of weeks ago we took a dream trip of a week to Seattle and Vancouver, Canada. The next to the last night of the trip we had another “Anniversary dinner” at a nice restaurant in downtown Vancouver. I’m including the picture of us there where they gave us a very nice congratulations dessert. It was there I totally surprised her with the engraved heart box. It was perfect.

So thank you to you and all your staff for providing such a wonderful product that helps people like us celebrate our love and life in such a wonderful way.”



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