Ashley Jackson Eakes Add-A-Pearl Necklace

Add-A-Pearl is a thoughtful gift idea that can be started by anyone looking for a new tradition in their family. Here’s what Ashly Jackson Eakes had to say about how it began for her.

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“My daughter is six. She received her first necklace with one pearl for Christmas from her grandfather. We had never seen or heard of Add-a-Pearl before then. He purchased from a small town family owned jewelry store here where we live. She loved it. She then received 2 more pearls from us (parents) for her Kindergarten graduation gift. Her birthday is not here yet, but she will receive one or two for her birthday and Christmas. We are trying to catch her pearls up to her age so that one day when she decides to get married her necklace of pearls will be complete. We love the fact that grandparents/parents can add to her special necklace for special memories one day as well.”



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